Our Blended Family!

Our Blended Family

How sweet the sound

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How we met!
On the 10th of August 1999, We were introduced to each other in the MSN Newcomers Chatroom by a mutual friend. We had both been on the Net for a couple of months at that time and neither of us were looking for romance, just to meet new people. We talked several times before someone informed me that Lefty was actually Mr Lefty and not Miss Lefty as I had assumed. Anyway, the ice had already been broken so we continued to talk and talk and talk and talk.......Any good chatter, especially those that chat with people from all over the world know about all-nighters. We both spent several sleepless nights typing away on the keyboard while most sensible people slept!!!
This was made all the more difficult by the fact that Tharrow lived in Idaho, USA and I lived north of Adelaide, South Australia. We had a 15.5 hour time difference to contend with!! (Tharrow still cannot work out what time it is in Australia!!)
As time went on we realized that our relationship had gone way beyond the friendship that we had expected in the beginning and now we were seriously discussing our face to face meeting. The trouble was that we both had commitments, and travelling to the other side of the world was going to involve sacrifices and a huge undertaking for either one of us. We tossed possibilities around, changed our minds a hundred times or more over the next month but eventually I bit the bullet and sold just about everything I owned and bought a ticket to America. No small feat for a person who is so terrified of flying that the last time she flew she paniced mid-flight and thought about opening the emergency exit to get out.......AT 30,000 FEET!!!!!!!!!
Well it took 4 planes and 56 hours (with a 24 hour layover in Japan) until I landed in Boise, Idaho. Words cannot describe what it is like to meet someone in this type of situation. We were both already sure that we had found our life partner, even when we were told by everyone that it could never work, our meeting face to face only confirmed the deep love that we had for each other.
To cut a long story short, we were married on February 18th, 2000. While it has not been an easy 18 months by any stretch of the imagination, neither of us would swap it for anything. From homesickness and finacial troubles to immigration and trying to get all of our blended family in the one country, these trials have only brought us closer together as a family. It has shown to me what a wonderful husband God chose to bless me with. The greatest gift that We have been given through all of this though is a belief, a faith and the most AMAZING GRACE through Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

Our family now
Our family now now consists of Tharrow and myself (Sarah), Tharrow's son, Jeremiah, 13, My daughters, Tia-Jane, 17, Emma, 14 and Katie, 13.

Our Extended Family
With half of our extended family on one side of the world in Australia and the other half in America life can get a little disjointed. While I (Sarah) sometimes suffer from terrible homesickness I love living in Idaho. The people here are always warm and friendly and I have yet to meet anyone who wasn't welcoming to me.

Links to Other Sites
Eagle Christian Church

A coincidence is a small miracle where God chose to remain anonymous!